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4 things you need to know about motorhome and trailer insurance


Plan your getaways knowing you’ll be safe thanks to our helpful tips on motorhome and trailer insurance.

1. Civil liability insurance is a must

In Quebec, all vehicle owners must have civil liability insurance worth at least $50,000.

However, whether you’re driving in Quebec, other Canadian provinces or the U.S., we recommend increasing this coverage to $2 million. Simply contact your damage insurance broker to get this done.

Civil liability provides coverage:

  • If you’re held liable for an accident in Canada or the U.S. and:
    • ­You cause injuries to another person
    • ­You cause damage to another person’s vehicle
  • If your motorhome or trailer sustains damage resulting from an accident caused by another person (in Quebec).

2. Optional coverage for your vehicle

There are several types of coverage for your motorhome or trailer.

You can add one or more of the following coverages:

  • Collision or upset protection
    This option covers you in the event of:
    • Collisions for which you are responsible
    • Hit-and-runs
  • All perils other than collision or upset
    This option covers your vehicle in the event of fire, theft, vandalism or glass breakage.
  • All perils
    This option provides more coverage than the first two options combined. It covers all types of risks, except the exclusions.
  • Specific perils
    This option provides coverage for risks included under your contract, such as fire and theft.

    Vandalism and glass breakage are not covered, however.

    It costs less than the All perils other than collision or upset option because it’s limited and includes several exclusions.

3. What about your personal property?

Our coverages also include, free of charge, the theft or damage caused to your personal property, whether it occurs inside your trailer or on site.

You therefore won’t have to file a claim with your home insurer.

4. Additional coverage options

Did you know you could add additional coverage to your basic insurance?

Sometimes, they’re even included for free with your contract.

  • Travel expenses
    The Q.E.F No. 20a coverage comes in handy when you can’t use your motorhome or trailer for several days following a covered accident.
    It reimburses you for unforeseen expenses so you can continue your vacation or go back home, including:
    • Lodging
    • Meals
    • Transportation
  • Roadside Assistance
    If you run out of gas or get a flat tire, you can count on Q.E.F. No. 33 which covers Roadside Assistance.
  • Change to Indemnity or Waiver of Depreciation
    These two coverages (Q.E.F. nos. 43a and 43d) are similar to replacement cost.

    If your vehicle is considered a total loss, the insurer will reimburse you for the purchase price of the insured vehicle or the price to purchase a new one, whichever is lower, including the same features the day the loss occurs.

    If the vehicle can be repaired, any damaged parts that cannot be repaired are replaced with new parts.
  • Repatriation coverage for trailers
    Covers expenses to repatriate your trailer if the towing vehicle is stolen or considered a total loss following an accident.

Before you head out

To select the coverages for your motorhome or trailer that best suit your needs, contact your damage insurance broker.

Published on March 17, 2022