Prevention tips
Looking to make the right choices when it comes to insurance and the prevention of losses? You’ve come to the right place. The Prevention tips section provides many useful tips on the subject.
In fact, you can contact your insurance broker anytime for sound advice. Happy reading!
Home 3 min 30
How to better prevent water damage in the winter
Protect your home this winter: discover what causes water damage and what you can do to prevent it.
Auto 3 min
Top 10 most stolen vehicles in Quebec
Is your car one of the top 10 most stolen models in Quebec?
Auto 4 min
How is your car or home insurance calculated?
Find out what factors are used to calculate your insurance premium.
Home 4 min
6 steps for yard winterization
Winterizing your yard takes planning! Here are 6 steps to help you prepare for old man winter.
Leisure Vehicle 2 min 40
Winterizing your boat: maintenance and storage
The time to put your boat in storage for the winter is fast approaching. Follow these steps to prevent any damage to it during the cold weather.
Leisure Vehicle 3 min
Winterizing your trailer or RV the right way to minimize risks
Drain, seal, protect: follow our steps to get your trailer or RV back in top condition this spring.
Leisure Vehicle 3 min
7 prevention measures for a hassle-free roadtrip
Have safe travels and an unforgettable experience on the roads in Canada and the US by taking these 7 prevention measures. Good memories guaranteed!
Home 4 min
Risks associated with lithium batteries
Here are a few tips on how to use and safely dispose of lithium batteries.
Home 3 min
Everything you need to know about insurance for your first home
About to buy your first home? Here’s everything you need to know on home insurance!
Home 3 min
Using a home inspection report to prepare a maintenance plan
Attention future homeowners! Learn how to use your home inspection report to prepare a maintenance plan.
Auto 4 min
8 questions on removing a vehicle from storage
With spring just around the corner, we bet you’re eager to get your RV or convertible back on the road! Keep reading for everything you need to know about removing a vehicle from storage with the Société de l'assurance automobile du Québec (SAAQ) and your insurer.
Home 7 min
7 tips for maintaining the ideal temperature at home this winter
Feeling chilly even with the heat on? Here are 7 tips for maintaining the ideal temperature at home this winter without breaking the bank.
Home 5 min
Preparing your home for a winter storm
Is your home ready for the next winter storm? Let’s take a closer look.
Home 3 min
Five cottage winterizing steps
Do you close your cottage for the winter? Follow these five steps to limit damage and ensure your peace of mind.
Auto 3 min
6 tips for storing your vehicle
Storing a vehicle involves more than just parking it in a safe place. Here’s how to ensure that it’s ready to roll after months of storage.
Home 3 min
Travel insurance: protecting your belongings from theft
Are your belongings covered if they’re stolen while travelling? Good insurance can make all the difference when you've been robbed.
Leisure Vehicle 5 min
Driving an RV is not like driving a car Follow our tips to enjoy the great outdoors and take off with peace of mind.
Home 4 min
Our 5 tips for fire safety this summer
Barbecues, fireworks, cigarettes and heating accessories are all potential fire hazards. Here’s how you can keep the risk to a minimum this summer.
Home 2 min
Here are a few tips on how to landscape your yard without causing damage.
Home 3 min
Limit risks with tenants’ insurance
All prudent tenants should have home insurance and follow these tips to avoid making claims.
Auto 3 min
Car theft: Prevent key cloning
Cloning an electronic key to steal a car takes just a few minutes. Here are a few tips to protect your car from theft.
Auto 2 min
6 myths about accidents and auto insurance
Auto insurance can seem complicated at times, particularly when preconceived notions abound. Here are 6 myths to debunk.
Home 2 min
Prevent the theft of your sports equipment this winter
Prevent the theft of your sports equipment this winter with these tips. Increase your chances of success and thwart thieves.
Home 1 min
When the holiday season is upon us, many are brightening their home with lights and decorations to recreate the magic of Christmas. In case you don’t already know it, your holiday decorations can increase your risk of fire. Here are a few tips on how to enjoy the holidays safely.
Auto 5 min
8 ways to reduce the risk of an accident this winter
Winter brings added challenges for drivers. To drive safely during the cold months, here are eight tips that will make you a better driver.
Home 2 min
What you need to know about wood heating
Want to know more about wood heating? Our team has all the information you need to know.
Home 2 min
Like it or not, there’s just no avoiding Halloween at the end of October. Every year you can expect to see spooky decorations and kids in costumes running around the neighborhood in search of goodies. All factors that increase the risk of accidents and auto or home insurance claims... We would like to share a few tips to ensure a safe Halloween!
Home 4 min
Here’s a reminder of the primary measures you can take to prevent a fire in your home.
Leisure Vehicle 1 min
ATV insurance for peace of mind
Does your explorer’s spirit often lead you off the beaten path? Insure your ATV and embark on your adventure with peace of mind.
Home 2 min
How to prevent rodents from invading your home
In this article, you can find tips on how to prevent rodents from taking refuge between your walls
Leisure Vehicle 1 min
A storage credit for seasonal vehicles in 5 questions
Do you store a vehicle over the winter and want to learn how an insurance credit for storing seasonal vehicles works? Our team answers five frequently asked questions.
Home 2 min
How can you prevent fires in your dryer?
Dryer fires are usually caused by a lack of proper maintenance. Here are a few helpful tips to help you prevent them.
Home 3 min
How to take care of your trees, from pruning to felling
A healthy tree starts with a little pruning. Find out how to care for trees so they can survive the seasons.
Home 3 min
Regular tree maintenance is the best way to keep them healthy and avoid a claim.
Home 1 min
Renovating your home? There's a few things you need to know!
When you start major renovations, you are often overwhelmed with many questions and decisions. Here is some advice to help you make the right choices.
Auto 2 min
Car sharing, the automobile branch of the sharing economy, has experienced tremendous growth over the last few years. Are you thinking of sharing your vehicle?
Auto 2 min
Sharing the road with cyclists and pedestrians
In this article you’ll discover what motorists must do and look out for to ensure the safety of everyone who uses the roads.
Home 3 min
Swimming pools and hot tubs: 3 best practices to adopt for your safety
Own a swimming pool or hot tub? By following our prevention and maintenance tips, you can safely enjoy your unit for years to come.
Home 2 min
5 ways to reduce your home insurance costs
Get home insurance that’s suited to your situation, without losing your shirt, using these 5 trips.
Home 2 min
6 tips to adequately cover your cottage
Renowned haven of peace, the cottage is synonymous with getting away and relaxing. It’s best you take the measures to take care of it. Follow these 6 tips from L’Unique General Insurance to adequately insure your cottage and prevent losses.
Home 2 min
Protect your home from break ins
Summertime should be fun, not spent worrying about being burglarized! Here are 6 tips to protect your home from break-ins during the summer.
Auto 1 min
Preventing the theft of your vehicle and its contents
An experienced thief only needs 30 seconds to steal your car. It’s better to prevent it from happening than deal with the aftermath. Learn how to prevent your car and its contents from being stolen.
Home 2 min
3 easy ways to safeguard against bicycle theft
Bicycles are among a thief's favourite targets. Here are 3 tips to keep your bikes safe.
Home 1 min
Fire prevention: Beware of potting soil!
Did you know that the potting soil generally contains peat moss, wood chips, polystyrene or vermiculite, all of which can ignite easily? Potting soil is responsible for a number of home insurance claims every summer. Get informed to prevent your pots of pretty flowers from being a fire hazard.
Home 1 min
7 BBQ safety tips to prevent fires
Barbecuing is a great summertime tradition! We all enjoy the thrill of the grill, but there are some risks involved. Here are a few safety tips to prevent your cookout from going up in smoke!
Home 2 min
Conserving food: what to do during a power outage?
Even though power outages lasting several hours are rare in Quebec, they still can happen. What do you do to keep refrigerated and frozen food safe in a power outage? Does your home insurance offer reimbursement for spoiled food?
Home 2 min
6 precautionary measures to reduce the risks of smoking-related fires
Read the tips from L’Unique General Insurance to reduce the risks of smoking-related fires.
Auto 2 min
Right turns on red: Test your knowledge
Do you think you know all there is to know about making right turns at red lights? Even though this is now a regular practice of drivers in Quebec, several rules must be kept in mind for safety. The L’Unique General Insurance team has prepared a little quiz so that you can test your knowledge and refresh your memory.
Home 2 min
Even if you consider your loyal companion a member of your family, it's nonetheless an animal and can be unpredictable. If your pet causes damage or bodily injury to a third party, are you covered by your insurance?
Leisure Vehicle 2 min
Boating: Take the proper precautions and be safe!
Whether you have a motorboat, personal watercraft, sailboat, fishing boat or any other type of watercraft, follow these tips for a safe boating season.
Home 3 min
For many of us, the scent of propane sparks memories of one of the joys of summer. Although this combustible material is widely used, improper use or storage, or careless transportation, can result in carbon monoxide poisoning, injury or property damage. You can reduce the risks!
Home 1 min
Spring maintenance: 11 tips for reducing risks!
Springtime means the return of birds and greenery. For homeowners, it’s also time for spring cleaning, inside as well as outside. Here are 11 things that you should check to reduce the risk of preventable damage to your property.
Auto 2 min
Auto insurance renewal: 8 questions to ask yourself
Did you know that you should take the time to update your information, make sure that the coverage is still tailored to your needs and the premium is right, before each auto insurance renewal?
Auto 2 min
Tips to avoid the pitfalls of potholes
Freezing temperatures, thawing period, a lot of traffic...Quebec roads don't have it easy! Just look at the condition of the roads when spring arrives and it's plain to see: potholes multiply! L'Unique General Insurance would like to give you a few tips for a smoother ride this spring.
Home 3 min
Based on what we’ve experienced over the last several years, few Quebec residents are spared from flooding risks. In fact, several areas that were never considered susceptible to this type of disaster were hit by floods. Follow our tips so that you're ready to face rising flood waters and minimize the damage that can be caused to your home.
Auto 2 min
Technology in the car: beware of the unnecessary risks!
Do you rely on technology while you’re behind the wheel? You might be taking some major risks! Here are three myths on this topic which may surprise you.
Home 3 min
Spring Thaw: 4 Problem Areas at Home
Each spring, the warming temperatures can lead to water seepage. Keep an eye on these 4 spots in your home to identify seepage and even prevent it!
Home 2 min
Water damage: Check the pipes in your household appliances!
Water damage is responsible for the majority of home insurance losses in this country. Plumbing pipes inside your home are among the main culprits. Here are a few things for you to keep an eye on to help you stay dry.
Leisure Vehicle 2 min
4 things you need to know about motorhome and trailer insurance
Do you own a motorhome or trailer? Here are a few tips to help you pick the right insurance coverage.
Leisure Vehicle 2 min
Shopping for and maintaining a recreational vehicle
Here are a few tips for buying and maintaining a recreational vehicle so you can enjoy it for many years to come.
Leisure Vehicle 2 min
6 tips to kick off the motorcycle season on the right foot
When spring is just around the corner, motorcycle drivers are already dreaming of taking to the road on their bikes! But to get the season off on the right foot, it’s important to keep the following safety tips in mind. Time to do a few laps around the track with us!
Auto 4 min
Keep your car in good condition despite the cold. Here are some tips on vehicle maintenance in winter.
Home 3 min
Condo insurance: How does Bill 141 impact you?
There were a number of changes made to the Civil Code of Québec since Bill 141 came into effect in December 2018. These changes have an impact on condo insurance and on condominium syndicate’s insurance as well.
Leisure Vehicle 2 min
6 tips to ensure a safe snowmobile trek
Do you own a snowmobile? Be sure to stay safe on the snow and ice. Before heading out this winter, make sure you know these safety tips. They may come in handy!
Auto 2 min
Clear the snow off your car for everyone’s safety
Do you sometimes hop in your car without clearing off any snow? It’s risky and could cost you dearly. Here’s why.
Home 2 min
Reduce risks: Thoroughly clear the snow off your property
Our winters provide their share of fun and inconveniences. Here are a few tips to reduce the risk of damage caused by the accumulation of snow and ice on and around your residence.
Home 3 min
How to prevent damage to your temporary car shelter
Did you know that poorly installed or maintained car shelters are more likely to become damaged and to cause damage to your property and that of your neighbours? Find out how to reduce the risks!
Home 3 min
Holiday season: Reduce the risk of theft
For most people, the holidays are all about sharing. For others, it’s the perfect time to go on a stealing spree. Luckily, you can reduce the chances of having this magical time of year ruined by a malicious act!
Auto 3 min
Winter tires: Everything you need to know to drive safely this winter
Winter tires are mandatory in Quebec. But on which vehicles and for how long? What features do a winter tire have to have in order to be legal? How do these features increase safety?
Home 5 min
3 tips to help you safely enjoy your outdoor fireplace
Are you spending more time at home or the cottage this summer? Follow our tips so that you can safely enjoy evenings around your fireplace!
Home 2 min
Take care of your pool during winter as well!
Do you forget about your pool in the winter? Don’t, if you want it to be in good condition next summer! Check out how to take care of it until then.
Auto 0 min
Preparing an emergency kit for your vehicle
Hitting the road soon? In anticipation of the variety of weather conditions you can expect this time of year, make sure you have an emergency kit in your vehicle. Check out how you can put one together right now!
Auto 2 min
Automobile insurance claim: 5 instincts
Car thefts, vandalized vehicles, traffic accidents... In the heat of the moment, what you should do next is not always obvious. Here's some useful information that will allow you to do the right thing at the right time.
Home 1 min
Snowbirds: Don’t take off without protecting your property
The cold inspires many people to head South during the winter. Are you among them? Don’t take off without taking a few precautionary measures when it comes to your home and auto insurance coverage.
Home 3 min
Do students need home insurance?
There are many tenants, especially students, who believe they don’t need home insurance. But it can actually spare them from many headaches!
Auto 2 min
Everything you need to know to adequately insure your used car
Buying a used car usually means you’ll be saving a pretty penny. But it doesn’t mean you don’t want to get a good return on your investment! Here’s how auto insurance can help you!
Home 3 min
4 things you need to know about latent defects
Many home buyers get nightmares from thinking about the possibility of discovering a latent defect in their new home. But did you know that being well-informed on the matter and by taking certain precautions, you could reduce the chances of making such a frightening discovery, all the while being better prepared to face it?
Home 2 min
5 facts about earthquakes and insurance
Even though most earthquakes in Quebec don’t cause any property damage, we can still experience significant aftershocks. Would you know what to do in this type of situation? Do you know which types of damage would be covered by your insurance?