7 BBQ safety tips to prevent fires

Barbecuing is a great summertime tradition! We all enjoy the thrill of the grill, but there are some risks involved. The L'Unique General Insurance team has put together a few safety tips to prevent your cookout from going up in smoke!
1. Give your barbecue a good clean in the spring, following the manufacturer’s instructions. Don’t forget the burners, the trays below the grill and the outer surface of your barbecue, including the area behind the control knobs.
2. Check all the hose connections and look for any cracks at the time of purchase, at the beginning of the summer and anytime you move your barbecue during the season, to ensure that there is no gas leak.
3. Follow the safe distance recommendations in your owner's manual. It is generally recommended that barbecues be set up at least three feet from combustible materials.
4. Make sure your barbecue is on a level, sturdy base before lighting it.
5. Never leave a lit grill unattended.
6. Always barbecue in an open outdoor space... even if it’s raining! Grease and juices from cooking meat can cause flare-ups.
7. Be extra careful if you’re using charcoal briquettes. Charcoal grills are associated with a greater risk of fire. Here are some additional precautions you should take:
- Use only a small amount of lighting fluid to prevent flare-ups.
- Never add a combustible substance once the briquettes have been ignited. Remember: They can smolder with no flame effect.
- Dispose of the ashes safely:
- Place them in a metal container with a raised bottom and lid.
- Allow them to cool for 7 days, in a metallic container with a raised bottom and lid, at least a metre away from the house and any flammable materials.
- After 7 days, check the ashes. If they are cold, transfer them to a plastic bag and throw it in the trash.
Your insurance broker is there to help you prevent losses. Feel free to contact him or her!
Published on June 1, 2022