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7 tips for maintaining the ideal temperature at home this winter

Published on January 31, 2024


You’ve done all that you can to stay warm indoors, but some winter days can be so cold that you still have to tinker with the temperature. In these situations, how can you maintain a comfortable temperature indoors without spiking your electricity bill? We’ve got 7 tips for maintaining the ideal room temperature despite the cold.

1. Check the insulation quality

Insulation is a must. When your walls are not properly insulated, you’ll find it difficult to keep your house warm without sending the heating bill through the roof.

So if you can’t re-insulate your home, equip yourself with a lit candle and set out on a mission to find air leaks. Did the flame flicker? You just found a source of cold air infiltration!

What should you do now? Seal the cracks, install stripping at the foot of the doors, or apply caulking to a few windows and other openings. Keep doors between rooms closed. You’ll prevent air from circulating and the temperature from fluctuating.

The magic of carpets

Place large carpets throughout the house. In addition to being decorative items, they help with insulation. 10% of the heat in a room can escape through the floors.

Doors and windows not closing properly? Feel the cold coming in from the sides, or are the windows cold to the touch or fogged up? After 20 years, it’s usually time to replace them. Use this opportunity to install products that are Energy Star® certified. Your investment will pay off quickly: 10% savings on heating costs, reduced outdoor noise and less risk of condensation. It's much better than losing up to 25% of your home’s heat during winter as your doors and windows age.

Avoid air leaks

Reduce or get rid of air leaks by caulking them in the winter:

  • Mail slot on your door
  • The oven’s range hood air outlet
  • The dryer’s air outlet
  • Garage door
  • Fireplace chimney
  • Electrical outlets
  • Attic vents
  • Cat flap

Why not install a mailbox outside, for example?

2. Insulate the windows

If the air gets in from the sides of your windows, add a gasket or apply insulation foam. Don’t have double paned windows? Apply glazing to the glass. Regardless of the method, you’ll keep the cold out, and your home will stay warm.

If it doesn’t work, then it may be time for more drastic measures! You can cover your windows with a plastic film, but don’t seal them all off. Leave yourself the option of airing out your home once in a while, preferably once a day.

Air out your home

Open your windows, even in the winter. It doesn’t have to be for too long. A quick 5 to 10 minutes will do the trick to freshen up a room. Not only will you get rid of nasty odours, but the heating will work more efficiently. Plus, it’s good to breathe in some fresh air!

3. Change the electronic and programable thermostats

Using an electronic thermostat or one that can be programmed allows you to control the temperature indoors. How many degrees in each room? It all depends on your daily routine.

Work remotely all day? Set the temperature in your office between 20°C and 21°C and leave the unoccupied rooms between 18°C and 21°C. At night, or if you’re away for a few days, you can lower the temperature by 3 to 5 degrees. An empty room can be left at 17°C. What about in the morning? To wake up to a warm home, program your thermostat to raise the heat a couple of hours before you intend to get out of bed.

All these things add up: you can save up to 10% on your bill without compromising your comfort. That’s nothing to sneeze at these days.

Good to know

Each degree above 20°C increases your energy consumption by 2-5%.

4. Optimize the heating system

The idea here is to maintain a steady temperature in all rooms. There’s one simple rule: no objects or furniture should be placed in front of a heater that would interfere with the dispersal of heat. Also be sure to regularly dust your heating equipment. It may surprise you to learn that dust impedes heat circulation.

If you have stairs, have you noticed that it’s warmer upstairs than downstairs? Adding a ceiling fan can even out the temperature on the various floors of a home. The blades push down the heat that has built up on the ceiling.

5. Take advantage of natural light

There are usually many sunny days during winter. So unless you’re sleeping in, throw open those curtains or blinds in all the rooms! Let the sunlight pour in and take in the natural heat. The sunlight coming in through the windows can actually increase the temperature by a few degrees.

At night, close the curtains to prevent the heat from escaping. Opt for thick curtains. Some materials are especially effective for preserving heat.

6. Use a humidifier

Humidity also plays a part in indoor comfort during winter. A room with slightly higher humidity will feel warmer. And since air is drier in our homes due to heating, you should verify the humidity levels with a hygrometer. The level should be between 35 and 50.

Are your eyes, sinuses or throat itchy? Are your lips cracked and your skin dry? Have trouble breathing or do you get sudden nose bleeds? It’s probably because the humidity level is below 30. If, on the contrary, the level is above 60, mold and dust mites can flourish to the point of causing asthma. Even with the heat cranked up, you’ll still feel cold.

Ideally, you should control humidity levels using a central heating system. Otherwise, a humidifier can come in handy. Clean it regularly to prevent bacteria from growing due to stagnant water.

7. Get a heat pump

Why purchase a heat pump? Because it’s energy-efficient. This unit extracts and concentrates heat from outside then transfers it inside your home. Since it doesn’t produce heat, it consumes less energy than other heating devices. That means you pay less for electricity.

To use energy more wisely during winter

You enjoy sleeping in a room at 18°C and keeping warm under the blankets? But you’d rather read in your living room at 21°C? You’re free to control the temperature at home. To get the temperature you want in each room, you simply need to have the right tools and develop good habits. Use this opportunity to review your home insurance with your broker.

This article is for information purposes only and is not intended to replace professional advice.