Leisure Vehicle Insurance
The insurance solution for leisure vehicules
Benefit from the many advantages available
- Save 10% on your total premiums if you insure more than one leisure vehicle
- Save 10% if you are a member of a leisure vehicle club recognized by the relevant federation
- Obtain FREE roadside assistance with any motorcycle, travel trailer or motorhome insurance
- Choose a two-year policy, and your premium will stay the same, even if you file a claim
- Spread your payments out over the term of the contract
- Rest assured that you're under no obligation to insure your auto or your residence
Our tailor-made coverage allows you to indulge in your passions, regardless of which leisure vehicle you own!
Take advantage of the best on the market!
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- Enjoy exceptional benefits, included free of charge, such as a basic coverage of up to $5,000 for your equipment and accessories
- We’ll give you our exclusive Roadside Assistance for motorcycles, a value of more than $65 a year, free of charge!
Admire the scenery as you travel the open road, knowing you have excellent coverage!
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- Get our exclusive Roadside Assistance for motorhomes, a value of $150 a year, free of charge!
- Personalized road itineraries and emergency service anywhere in Canada and the United States (except Alaska and Hawaii)
- Enjoy benefits, included free of charge, such as:
- Rental of a replacement vehicle in the event of a loss
- Refund of a portion of your premiums when you put your motorhome in storage
- All-perils coverage of $8,000 for personal property inside your motorhome or on site
- Receive an additional reduction if your vehicle is equipped with a recognized theft-deterrent system
All terrain vehicles
Leave your cares behind when you go off-road, thanks to the free benefits we include in your coverage.
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- Coverage of up to $2,000 for your equipment and accessories
- Death benefits
Travel trailers
With our tailor-made coverage, you can enjoy the great outdoors and night-time campfires with peace of mind.
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- Get our exclusive Roadside Assistance for trailers, a value of $150 a year, free of charge!
- Enjoy benefits, included free of charge, such as:
- Reimbursement of trailer return expenses in the event of a loss involving the towing vehicle
- All-perils coverage of $8,000 for personal property inside your trailer or on site
Get the most out of your winter adventures, thanks to the free benefits we include in your coverage.
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- Coverage of up to $2,000 for your equipment and accessories
- Death benefits
Set your mind at ease and get the most out of summer.
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- Free towing and breakdown assistance service ($500 a year)
- Health expenses insurance for $5,000 and accidental death insurance for $15,000
- Many coverages available at no extra charge, including coverage for your electronic equipment, your personal property and your guests' personal property.
At all times, terms and conditions pertaining to coverage are governed solely by the insurance contract. Some conditions and exclusions apply. Certain promotions cannot be used together. For more information, contact your broker.